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Examples of Dissemination


Examples of dissemination before the project took place.


Examples of dissemination during the project's duration.


Examples of dissemination after the project.

Under One Sky

    The Youth Exchange 'Under One Sky' addresses the need to increase youth work in the field of animal welfare and protection, and is in the line with European Convention for the Protection of Pet Animals.
    The project will gather a groups of young people from the UK, Greece, Romania, Lithuania, and Hungary to meet and live together for 10 days.

    The project will be held in Plymouth, UK in March 2015.
    During the YE, the participants will jointly carry out the programme focusing on pet animals, their welfare and protection as well as volunteering and career opportunities in this field. The participants will be involved in all stages of the project: design, preparation, promotion, evaluation, follow up and dissemination results.

    The programme is split into five parts:

  • • Introductions and group building. The group/team building exercise will be include in the programme regularly as this is important point for this activity.

  • • Development knowledge in animal welfare field, cultural and social aspects of animal protection.

  • • Exploring opportunity to work and volunteer in this area.

  • • Development of individual strategies and planning of participants’ follow-up of the YE.

  • • Follow-up, evaluation (during and after the activity stage) and dissemination results.

  • The project is an international cooperation between partner organisations, and all groups will be equally responsible for the all stages of the project.

    The project will based on non-formal education. Work in small and large groups, team building exercises, problem-solving tasks, simulation exercises, role play, debriefing, presentations, round table discussion,
    sessions for evaluation and reflection, etc. will be used throughout the seminar to ensure everyone has an opportunity to express themselves freely and to achieve maximum results in the learning process.

    The project offers space for active interaction, sharing ideas, analyse information, plan actions and express opinions as well as evaluate learning outcomes and put ideas into practice.

    The objectives of the project are:

  • • To enhance knowledge of participants and youth workers in environmental and social issue of protection of pet animals, affecting all European countries.

  • • To motivate young people to be active citizens to benefit their community.

  • • To gain intercultural awareness of Europe.

  • • To improve foreign language competence.

  • • To improve IT, analytical and research skills.

  • • To contribute to personal, socio-education and professional development of participant.

  • • To introduce career opportunity in animal welfare field.

  • • Reinforce cooperation with partner organisations involved.

  • The project will have impact on personal, socio-educational and professional development of the participants. The participants will increase their knowledge of animal welfare, gain transversal skills and will explore a career possibility in animal welfare field.

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and memorable moments from this project.

Or read our presentations from the project.

Presentation Cat friendly garden

UK animal welfare history