
1 day.
  • AM - Opening ceremony, introduction of the training, Tree of expectations, house rules, introduction of the participants.

  • PM - UK education system.

  • 2 day.
  • AM - UK education system. Promotion of British values. Prevent Strategy in UK schools.

  • PM - Understanding the issues: understanding the threat nationally and locally, local picture. Mapping community exercise.

  • 3 day.
  • AM - Understanding the causes of violent extremism. Vulnerability of young people.

  • PM - Practical advice for schools: Leadership and Values.

  • 4 day.
  • AM/PM- Study visit to a local school.

  • 5 day.
  • AM - Study visit to a local school.

  • PM - Partnership working.

  • 6 day.
  • AM - Study visit to a local school.

  • PM - Simulation exercise.

  • 7 day.
  • AM - Teaching, Learning and the Curriculum.

  • PM - Pupil support and challenge.

  • 8 day.
  • AM - Managing Risk and Responding to Events.

  • PM - Working towards social inclusion and community cohesion.

  • 9 day.
  • AM - Internet safety.

  • PM - Intercultural evening.

  • 10 day.
  • AM - Examples of school activities. Simulation exercise.

  • PM - Evaluation, closing ceremony.

  • Helping Schools Stay Safe

      Dealing with violent extremism is nothing new. Throughout history there have been groups prepared to use violence to achieve their aims.

      Today’s Europe faces different threats. A small minority seek to radicalise young people with an ideology which justifies the use of violence through a distorted interpretation of a peaceful religion.

      Schools have an important role to play in preventing extreme behaviour, and addressing the underlying issues that can attract young people towards violent extremist causes.

      Schools can help to protect children from extremist and violent views in the same ways that they help to safeguard children from drugs, gang violence or alcohol.

      Just as schools can educate young people about risk, they can offer opportunities to help young people understand the risks associated with extremism and to develop the knowledge and skills to be able to challenge extremist arguments.
      Teachers are well placed to identify the needs and support the welfare of individual pupils who may be particularly vulnerable, working in partnership with other local agencies.

      During the training, participants will learn about causes of extremism, cyber-crime and its prevention, about factors that contribute to vulnerability of young people and way to support them.
      Participants will share their knowledge and learn from UK schools’ experience in implementation Prevent strategy; this, in turn, will allow participants to develop effective approach for their schools to create resilient community and support vulnerable students as well as help the school stay safe.

      Learning Outcomes:

    • • Increased awareness of threat from violent extremist groups and the risks for young people.

    • • Increased knowledge and skills to develop Effective safeguarding systems.

    • • Increased ability of the participants to identify and support vulnerable students.

    • • Learn from experience of UK schools and best practice.

    • • Increased knowledge and skills in partnership working and development cross-section approach.

    • • Increased awareness of Internet safety and ways how extremists groups recruit vulnerable young people.

    • • Increased knowledge of new methods and approaches that can be used to build community resilience.

    • • Greater understanding and responsiveness to social, linguistic and cultural diversity of Europe and local area.

    • • Improved English language skills.

    • • Improved intercultural skills and ability to work in diverse environment.

    • Aims of the training:
    • • Raise awareness amongst schools of the threat from violent extremist groups and the risks for young people.

    • • Increase knowledge about what can cause violent extremism, and about preventative actions that can be taken.

    • • Increase knowledge of positive contribution the schools can make to empowering young people to create communities that are more resilient to extremism, and protecting the well being of particular pupils or groups who may be vulnerable to being drawn into violent extremist activity.

    • • Increase knowledge of UK education system and Prevent Strategy implemented in the UK schools.

    • • Enhance capability of schools to develop effective prevent strategy.

    • Methods used:
      Combination of methodology sessions -presentations, debate, simulation exercises , case studies, practical activities in the field.

      How to Apply?


      Erasmus+ Mobility project for school education staff under Key Action 1 (staff training) follow the link here: follow the link here: Opportunities for staff

      Who can take part?
      Staff in charge of school education(teaching and non-teaching, including school managers, heads, etc.), working in the sending school(s)as well as other educational staff (school inspectors, school counsellors, pedagogical advisors, psychologists, etc.) involved in the strategic development of the sending school(s).

      Eligible countries:
      All EU countries and former Yugoslav, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Republic of Macedonia, Norway, Turkey and Iceland).

      When & How to apply:
      Applicants (any organisation working in adult education field) have to submit their grant application by
      2 February at 12:00 (midday Brussels time).

      Please, do not hesitate to contact us if your school would like to take part in the proposed trainings. Send your express of interest email to:

      To be confirmed (Flexible)